Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The B kids

I love taking pictures of little kids, but man, let me tell you.  These big kids are EASY!  I say stand here and smile, and they stand there and smile.  They even laughed at my corny jokes...most of them anyway;)  We had so much fun!  I loved watching the sibling dynamics between these three.  They would joke around and pretend to not like each other too much but the kissing attack made me think otherwise.  Thanks for the fun morning guys!


Monday, November 28, 2011

Taking A Break

First of all, I want to thank all of you that have so graciously allowed me to take your pictures.  I have loved and learned so much from each photo shoot I've done.  I've loved the time spent with each of you and your sweet families.  Thank you for sharing that with me.  I have grown and learned a lot about photography and editing over the past six months and have loved every minute of it!  My love for this work has made it very difficult for me to make this decision, but at this time I am going to have to take a break from pursuing my ambitions as a professional photographer.  Since starting this business I have had some unexpected things added to my life that require a lot of my time (I was called to be the Relief Society president for those of you that know what that is).  In addition to that, I have my six beautiful children and loving husband that like to see me every now and then too:)  I will still do the remaining scheduled photo shoots that I have on my calendar for this year, but I will not be scheduling any new appointments.  I'm not sure if this break will be for a few months or a few years.  Check back though and I'll let everyone know when I'm back in business again.  Thank you so much to everyone for your support and kind words.  They have meant so very much to me.  In parting, here are some pictures of my sweet family that my sister took for us.  I sure do love these guys and just have to remind myself that there is a time and a season for all things.  Right now my season is motherhood with many small children.  What a wonderful and sweet and magical season to be in.  I am truly blessed.

Friday, November 25, 2011

The S Family

First I did the maternity pictures, then the newborn pictures...now, here's the whole family!  This is such an incredible family!  I just can't say enough good about them.  They have faced some major trials over the past couple of years.  The strength, love and faith that this family has is amazing.  It is nothing short of a miracle for them to have a picture together with all six of their children.  What a privilege and honor it is to know this special family and to be asked to take pictures of them.  You are truly beautiful!  Make sure you look at the last picture for a funny one;)


And now for the funny picture...look at the boy on the far left.  I don't know if he was jumping or if he just stumbled, or what, but it totally looks like he's getting blown away by the wind!  It made me laugh:)